Wednesday, October 1

Okay, so a little more...

I started blogging 'cause I had this on mind. Of course, I haven't written about this soon-to-be-huge-in-my-life situation... I've only told a few people: my priest, my attorney, an old friend from college, and an old friend from grad school. The mother-to-be has told everybody she knows.

We're still in the first trimester, so we have a long way to go.

Here's the mother's blog... it'll give you her point of view, anyway.

I'm starting to get used to the news, although it's still tough. I can't walk away. The only fair and decent thing to do is to share responsibilities; we're working on a plan which would share joint custody, by week, equally (26 weeks per year).

I'd be interested to hear how other people might have done things; what the hell works? What doesn't?

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