Monday, November 10

A Conversation with Anne...

Simon: Hi, guys. What's up? Jane and I were at karaoke last night; Rhonda and Ray were asking after you.
Anne: hello
Simon: Who is it? ((I'm always slightly confused at this point...))
Anne: Anne, Sam is at work; swing shift...
Anne: Are they going to the next social?
Simon: Ah. I was over this weekend after the accident at the plant. Hope Sam is doing okay.
Simon: Yes, of course. They're on the staff... they just love to play...
Anne: sorry I have 3 im going on at the same time
Simon: Jane was saying you're going to go shopping together; she's looking forward to it...
Simon: Aren't you just little-miss-popular...
Simon: Jane one of them? Say hi to her for me...
Simon: She's mad at me right now...
Anne: I love shopping and spending money that's not mine
Simon: Although she did spend the night last night and she came to dinner with me and the boys...
Simon: Annie, it's all your's
Simon: I'm going to go put the boys to bed, so I'll be silent for a minute or two or three... I'll be back shortly; I'd like to chat a bit, if you have the time...
Anne: ok
Simon: I'm back... prayers... now they're playing their damn game boys...
Anne: but, they were tuck in thats all that matters
Simon: Yes, they're down... sorta... talking now... I can hear them... Ralph is whistling...
Simon: I sometimes wish I had a large enough house to give them each their own room...
Anne: mine are still awake
Simon: and this house is going to get smaller still here soon...
Simon: Even the 2 year old is still awake?
Simon: You do have a little one, right? ((I'm still confused))
Anne: yes
Anne: my 5 yr old is out but the girls are awake
Simon: Actually, Jane said that Ralph ought to meet your eldest...
Anne: why
Simon: Same age, more or less... and she's a cutie... ((Probably takes after her mother...))
Anne: she's a blonde
Simon: I still Stan by my earlier comment... hair color be damned...
Anne: all my kids are blonde
Anne: sorry Simon
Simon: Sorry for what? That my compliments fall on deaf ears?
Anne: how was Jane felling
Simon: or that Jane is miffed at me right now
Simon: Right.
Simon: Well, she read something I hadn't really wanted her to read...
Simon: she was on my computer looking around...
Anne: your comments are very flattering
Simon: something I said about her...
Simon: that wasn't very flattering, actually...
Simon: and she's miffed...
Simon: and confused...
Simon: although, I'm slightly confused, too...
Anne: I just don't take compliments very well
Simon: Most of us don't...
Anne: what happened
Simon: we take the opposite though, hear them loud and clear...
Simon: I have my blog... the public one... perhaps you read it
Simon: and I have my poetry blog at
Anne: ok
Simon: and my professional blog at
Simon: well, I had a private blog...
Simon: I didn't tell anyone about it...
Simon: like a journal...
Simon: private..
Simon: The header said: My private blog; I have a professional blog; I have a personal blog; this blog is for those things I'm only willing to share with anonymity: It all started when I discovered I'm going to be a father, again. Here's a place I can include thoughts which are, shall we say, a little outside of where I want my friends peering into my life. This blog was formerly known as "Dad, again."
Simon: So, it really wasn't for her to see or read...
Simon: She found the URL on my computer...
Simon: and read it...
Simon: The post that set her off said: Contrary to what Jane says, I do like to kiss... truth be told, I'm just not hot on kissing her... ouch, bad news... And then what followed was a quizilla thing abou the type of kiss I have: You have an entrancing kiss~ the kind that leaves your partner bedazzled and maybe even feeling he/she is dreaming. Quite effective; the kiss that never lessens and always blows your partner away like the first time.
Simon: She didn't like the fact that I'd never told her about how I felt with her kisses...
Simon: I think that was the main part...
Simon: And it's also the place where I've been talking through the pregnancy, trying to come to grips with it...
Anne: wow
Simon: Well... it's not the thing you might actually tell someone...
Simon: omissions are okay... people have to be nice to one another...
Simon: Anyway, she found the blog... it was at
Simon: It's not there now...
Anne: is she talking to you at all?
Simon: just came on line... stayed the night last night and saturday and friday... had dinner with me and the boys tonight...
Simon: So, I guess, yes, she is talking to me...
Anne: sorry, I did tell you i'm chatting with someone else right. It's hard to do two at once
Simon: I have three windows up, too...
Anne: how do u keep it straight
Simon: Well, it's three different conversations...
Simon: yours...
Simon: Jane... but she's not talking much...
Simon: and Beth, a former gf...
Simon: who wants to get married...
Simon: But that's a long story...
Anne: tell Jane hI for me
Simon: done...
Simon: she says hI back...
Anne: did you get the contract straightened out
Simon: it's not a contract... it's an agreement on what the future is like... and, no, we didn't...
Anne: sore subject?
Simon: No, I just thought it would be more straight forward than it's turning out to be...
Simon: now also thinking of taking my family room and putting up a wall...
Simon: and maybe having Jane move in...
Simon: with her own space...
Simon: so we only have to keep one home for a while...
Simon: tough stuff...
Simon: it was easier when I was married...
Anne: well I hope all goes well
Simon: It'll all work out in the end...
Anne: has she been to the doc lately
Simon: No. Goes on Wednesday... I'm going with her...
Anne: have u seen the ultrasound yet
Simon: yes. The baby is there... little thing...
Anne: when was the last time you held an infant
Simon: couple of months ago...
Simon: I do love kids...
Simon: I just thought I was done...
Simon: making them...
Simon: goes to show, huh?
Anne: yes it does
Anne: that's how we got our third, condoms don't always work
Simon: You play, you pay...
Simon: it's just going to make life interesting...
Simon: for the next 18 years...
Simon: I think the thing that gets me most is that I'm not madly, head over heels, in love with her...
Simon: were I, things would be more simple...
Simon: easier, even...
Anne: but you're going to be a daddy again, do u realize how precious that is. you have to get the whole picture, you are a great dad
Simon: perhaps I'm a great dad (and I am) but I'm a reluctant father... I'll be okay once the munchkin arrives...
Anne: there is nothing scary about being a dad again you have already done it, twice even. you do a fine job
Simon: Annie, how would you know how fine or not fine a father I am? I could be the guy who locks his kids in the closet and never feeds them...
Anne: Jane told me u were great with you kids
Simon: she's ever hopeful since I'm the father to the child she's carrying...
Simon: kidding... yeh, I'm okay...
Simon: have you seen pics of my kids?
Anne: no
Simon: we're at
Simon: nice little guys...
Simon: actually, they're getting big...
Simon: Drew, now 11, will not hold my hand anymore...
Simon: Ralph, 9, still will...
Simon: that'll end soon...
Simon: Can I change the subject?
Anne: what would you like to discuss
Simon: wondering if you and Sam are coming to the party on the 22nd...
Simon: ((and no comments about my one track mind, please))
Anne: if his schedule allows us
Simon: yeh. he told me his shift is on standby...
Simon: I'm afraid the chances are pretty good they'll have tasking...
Simon: ((we need to change the @#$% system))
Anne: brb
Simon: brb?
Simon: what's brb?
Simon: Barb? Like the name of my college honey...
Simon: damn b*tch...
Simon: no emotion there, is there...
Simon: ((and you're thinking, where the hell did that come from?))
Simon: are you still there?
Simon: or have you gone to put the children to bed?
Simon: or have I driven/scared you off?
Simon: Annie, I'm going to sign off... headed to do a paper due on Wednesday... screwed as I haven't started it... have a wonderful night... hope to chat with you some later tomorrow.. bye
Anne: hello
Anne: had to carry the kids to bed
Simon: still here I am
Simon: figured...
Anne: that is normally his job
Simon: so, what's brb
Simon: or was that bed?
Anne: be right back
Simon: right... i'm an idiot...
Anne: no its just late
Anne: I have to have all kids ready to leave at 7 am tomorrow
Simon: anyway, I hope Sam is doing okay psych wise. I know the crews are tight over there.
Simon: okay, hit the rack...
Anne: I need SLEEP
Anne: he seems ok
Anne: still horny all the time
Anne: sorry, laugh
Anne: I thought it was funny
Simon: we can talk about that from a stress management perspective... not surprised...
Simon: I came back from working with the guys at the plant and was messed...
Simon: secondary traumatic stress...
Simon: first wanted to be alone
Simon: and then wanted to hump like a rabbit...
Simon: too bad Jane couldn't do it for real...
Simon: but we figured something else out...
Anne: oh share.......................... that can be my bed time story
Simon: Well, you know we can't have intercourse...
Simon: vaginally, anyway...
Anne: wait
Anne: set the scene
Anne: like a romance novel
Simon: I came back... out of sorts...
Simon: there's no romance, here...
Simon: I was off-kilter...
Simon: wanted to go to a poetry reading over in Durham to read some of my stuff...
Simon: but didn't want to be around people...
Simon: we were going to take in The Matrix
Simon: but instead, I laid down to take a nap...
Simon: my room, I should tell you, is like my mind: cluttered at the moment...
Simon: queen sized bed...
Simon: dark red walls...
Anne: so is mine
Anne: king here
Anne: sorry
Simon: a mirror over the head of the bed...
Simon: no, I like hearing your side...
Simon: Anyway, I laid down to take a nap... nestled in the half a dozen pillows and the comforter...
Simon: resting in the yellow, cotton, (Hanes) sheets...
Anne: are u being a smaaaarty typer
Simon: huh?
Simon: anyway, I'm not sure if we did anything when I came to...
Simon: cause then I spend an hour or two dealing with setting up the Psych Services Team to visit the plant...
Simon: either before that or after that -- I was out of sorts -- we snuggled together...
Simon: I get hard, easy...
Simon: she gets wet easy...
Simon: she wanted me in her, bad...
Simon: I wanted to be in her bad...
Simon: we started talking dirty...
Simon: I was sucking on her breasts... they're getting big...
Simon: I told her I wanted to taste milk...
Anne: they already r
Simon: she was on top of me, sliding along... me in her wetness...
Simon: we were sliding back and forth...
Anne: must be nice
Simon: we were imagining...
Simon: at one point we were talking about being with you and Sam...
Simon: I imagined her sliding on me... you over top of me... and Sam behind her...
Anne: yes
Simon: when we get into it, we talk... a lot...
Anne: we're not talkers
Simon: so we were rocking back and forth... she on top... sliding..
Simon: ((You know, I noticed... I think you could be trained, however... ))
Anne: sorry go on
Simon: and the room was lit by a flickering candle...
Simon: shadows dancing on the walls...
Simon: she could look up and see herself in the mirror...
Simon: my head buried in her dangling breasts, sucking, pulling...
Simon: my hands on her ass, pulling...
Simon: and each of us talking...
Simon: she's my little fuck ((I don't think she had the collar on, though)
Simon: and she feeding me images, how she wanted me inside...
Simon: I think on Saturday, we both came like that...
Simon: the bed shaking...
Simon: nothing more than more than a dry hump from when we were teenagers...
Simon: except we're nekkid...
Simon: and it's not dry...
Simon: anything but...
Simon: we were really wet...
Simon: this morning... we started out like that...
Simon: and she decided I had to be inside her
Simon: and, since the doc said she can't do anything vaginally...
Simon: well...
Simon: ((you still there?))
Anne: yes
Anne: keep going
Simon: Okay...
Anne: remember I don't get any tonight
Simon: So, this morning, we were starting out like that...
Simon: Jane was on top...
Simon: sliding along the length of me...
Simon: wet...
Simon: real wet...
Simon: Oh, I forgot one thing... after she read my blog...
Simon: I knew she wanted to kiss...
Simon: but didn't want to...
Simon: so I forced her...
Anne: oooooooooh tough man
Simon: holding her head while I was on top of her...
Simon: forcing my lips over hers...
Simon: at first, she didn't want to respond...
Simon: but then, ever so slightly, she opened her mouth
Simon: to take in my tongue...
Simon: and she responded, kissing back...
Simon: So, anyway, this morning...
Simon: she was really horny...
Simon: I wanted to be inside her... to feel her around my length...
Simon: pubic bone against pubic bone...
Simon: lips to lips...
Simon: my hands holding her face...
Simon: but, no...
Simon: so she got on all fours, and leaned down...
Simon: and I got behind her, hard...
Simon: and with a little lube on my finger, slipped past her tight anus...
Simon: finger pushing in and out...
Simon: other hand pushing down on her back...
Simon: her face buried in the pillows...
Simon: could see myself in the mirror... and her back in the reflection, white against the yellow of the sheets...
Simon: and then I took my finger out...
Simon: and pushed into her, wet and tight...
Simon: and I slid in and out, my full length pumping in...
Anne: I could have played with the clit, to help
Simon: she slumped lower...
Simon: Yes, that would have helped... you and Sam didn't come up this am... but that was part of the tale the other night... you don't know how many times you've come up... you know, we both want you, bad...
Simon: so she was slumped lower... almost all the way on the bed...
Simon: breathing heavy...
Simon: and I came, my eyes rolling back into my head...
Simon: dizzy...
Simon: dizzy...
Simon: and I rested there, still inside her...
Simon: enjoying the tightness and the sensation and the control...
Simon: I'm afraid, she didn't come... ((Damn, we really could'a used your help...))
Anne: I can't do that without the clit being touched
Simon: maybe I need lessons...
Simon: that was actually one thing we talked about...
Simon: since she can’t "do" it...
Simon: she would direct...
Simon: me and Sam
Simon: on you...
Anne: fun
Simon: you don't know how hard I am thinking about it...
Anne: don't think about it you wont get to sleep
Anne: well I need a shower
Anne: and off to bed
Anne: still there, get your hands out of you pants
Simon: Okay... Jane just paged me... she wants to talk...
Anne: sorry
Simon: and I don't have my hands in my pants...
Anne: lol
Simon: nothing to be sorry about...
Simon: I'll have phone sex with Jane...
Anne: bye have fun
Simon: we ought to do a conference call...
Simon: okay... bye...
Anne: thanks for the bed time story

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