Saturday, November 22

Horoscopes... peace & stability...

Jane's horoscope:
A partner for life or a brief encounter. Which will it be? This is the question of the day. Why not choose both? Can't you imagine being your partner's lover and also simultaneously keeping your independence? Don't let yourself be influenced by old models that force you to choose between two ideas. Don't forget that in our modern world, your choices aren't as limited as you might think they are!

My horoscope:
The day ahead won't be easy. A glimpse of your love life reveals that you'll be bridling at certain inhibitions. You long for peace and stability, and at the moment everything is in suspense in that department. Use the day ahead to gain some perspective on the situation. Until the ice melts and the flow of events resumes, why not devote your energy to some other endeavor?

Thought these were somewhat intriguing, particularly since we head over to Winston-Salem tonight for NCL. I'd already decided I wouldn't play with Anne, although her sweet taste remains on my tongue a month after our first encounter.

Yes, I long for peace and stability. I long for quietness and togetherness. My fantasy, after last NCL, is to bang Anne, and then just cuddle with her, nestled in quietness and peace. I imagine it with Ginger, the karaoke singer, or Dee, the classy-booted firefighter. Peace and stability.

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