Sunday, February 8

You can leave your hat on...

Last night I drove up to Richmond to hear General Wes Clark talk. I know; I know; this isn't a political blog (my vanilla blog talks politics). Bear with me, however.

So, I'm hanging out in the hall with the other liberals waiting for the General to show up (now there's a sentence full of contradictions). The crowd's mostly young; a lot of skin for a fine, southern winter day; I'm enjoying myself as the sound system blares music to keep us somewhat entertained. I'm more entertained by the William & Mary students who pen obscure campaign slogans on the back of pre-printed signs.

And then... I hear Joe Cocker and You can leave your hat on. And no longer can I think about General Clark's long distinguished career, or his plan to raise the minimum wage or provide grants to college students or lower taxes for low & middle income Americans, or his thoughts on national security... rather, I can only think of Alex from The Cabaret as she slinked her way through You can leave your hat on for me.

There I am, in the midst of a great hall with red, white, and blue bunting all around & the festitivities of an important candidacy for President by a man who is, truly action and not an act, and all I can think about is beautiful Alex wearing my fedora, her bright eyes alive under the stage lights' glow.

And, now, the only question which remains at large is this: would Alex dance for General Clark? And would the General approve?

In my own little fantasy world, the answer to both questions is yes.

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