Monday, December 6

The baby... is making sex difficult

Infants will do that, you know. The little bugger seems to have a knack for screaming at just the right moment.

Sometimes, in order to get him to sleep, we'll bring him to bed with us. I know. I know. That right there is gonna put a kink in the sex. I know.

So, the other night Miller falls asleep and around three in the morning I shifted his berth, freeing up all sorts of space in our queen-sized bed. Earlier in the evening Jane had broken out the toys: the glass dildo, the silver bullet, and who knows what else. All of it was waiting for me, but, alas, we'd had to move it when Miller decided he was sleeping in the big bed.

So, three in the morning, and Miller's in his own crib. I decide it's time for a little love'n... Jane had been asleep for a hours; that was about to end.

With Miller safely away, I found the glass dildo on the floor. Finding the lube was not so easy; the first tube I found was foot cream; that sure as hell wasn't gonna do for what I had in mind. With the long glass dildo and the lube nearby, I scooted up to Jane and cuddled against her, my hands exploring and my mouth nibbling. I bit on her neck. I pulled her nipples. I pressed up against her ass, and she pushed back against me.

I got rough with her, pulling her head toward me. My hands grasped her hair. I kissed her lips forcefully. I was rough, pulling.

Pretty soon she was wet and ready. "How do you want me?" she asked.

"On your knees," I said. I had a little something in mind. Jane got on her knees and I went for the glass and the lube. I lubed up the glass, and then from behind her I slipped my hard cock into her very wet pussy. Once buried in her pussy, I took the glass dildo and slipped it into her begging ass. Yes, Jane was on our bed, on her knees, her head in the pillows, and my cock was buried in her cunt and a glass dildo was in her ass. In and out. In and out.

When I came, my little white muck dripping out of her slip, I pulled the dildo out of her ass, and then we cuddled softly together.

Last night I wanted a repeat performance. As I was slipping Miller into his crib he woke up and started to scream. Okay, no sex last night.

And then at five this morning I was up to pack and catch a plane. As I write this, I'm at the hotel in New Orleans, my one-bedroom suite more than 700 square feet. And I'm thinking of Jane. And I'm a alone. And broke.

Such as it is.

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