Friday, May 14

Supporting education: "Knowledge is Good"

Always one to further knowledge and support education, I'm currently promoting the Encyclopedia of Sex, the webs best source of sexual terms and definitions at I urge all of you to surf on over and help this English major with his honors project. Years ago, when I was a young English major, I wrote a shitty thesis on authorial literary intention from a desconstructionist point of view. I should have been as bright as Chris and stuck with sex; at least then I would have focused on something I actually knew.

Wednesday, May 12

Milk... Mothers... Mother's Day...

I guess we'll start with milk, since that's what one loyal reader is interested in. The milk is sweet and flows fairly easily (doesn't take much sucking). And, yes, Jane's breasts have gotten bigger. I wouldn't say they're huge, but she can't lean over the keyboard any more... ;-) The baby, Miller, hasn't gotten the hang of taking to the breast. I've had to show him, but he still doesn't get it; he takes his nurishment by the bottle.... that way the milk just drips into his mouth and he doesn't actually have to suck.

Overheard at the hospital pharmacy: a couple of nurses talking about a patient. Seems a new born had some sort allergic reaction. The doctor had suggested that the child and the father had both shared the same breast -- the baby after the father after the father had eaten honey. The nurses poo-poo'd this; no mother would allow the father to feed on the breast a month or two after the baby was born.

I'm thinking these nurses were fairly vanilla and not very creative in terms of dreaming of possibilities.

Fatherhood is great; I enjoy Miller's weight on my chest as he sleeps. Even now, he's in his little snuggly thing, secure to my chest. Sure, there's not much sex, but, hey, sex isn't everything...

As to the visit to my ex-girlfriend the bimbo: I'd like to set the record straight. The ex-girlfriend is, indeed, ex, but still a friend. And she is in no way a bimbo (other than that she spent time with me, but then that would paint others with the same brush). The former live-in girlfriend (Beth, from years ago) wants a child; she enjoyed holding Miller. She gave Miller an outfit which, when we returned home, Jane wanted to throw away. Jane's said that Miller will never wear it. I'm thinking the outfit isn't diaper friendly (pants without buttons for easy access to change the diaper) but otherwise is a handsome outfit. Jane doesn't like it only because it came from Beth. I think this is pretty small and Jane is easily bent out of shape. It seems to me that Jane feels it's okay for her to do whatever she wants, but I'm not allowed to see old friends or accept gifts for the baby. My former spouse, Kathleen, made Miller a baby quilt; Jane was okay with this, but probably only because she knows Kathleen would never sleep with me again -- too hooked to Don. Sure, whatever. I think I need to call Frankie... or Tammy...

There's a funny story about Tammy... six or eight weeks ago, before Miller arrived, Tammy called me to hook up. I was at a bar with a colleague, drinking, and told her I'd be home in a hour or two... She came over to the house and parked across the street, waiting for me. I had way too much to drink and spent way too much time at the bar and stumbled home three hours after our little conversation. She was still out front. I saw her in her car and snuck in the back door and slinked upstairs to bed, too drunk and too tired to put up with her. I'm thinking she was a bit needy.

Okay, as to Mother's Day: on Tuesday I took Jane out to dinner and gave her a gift certificate to a day spa. Perhaps too little, too late, but at least she might realize I'm not a total heel.

Monday, May 10

Do you know what happens...

When you forget Mother's Day for a brand new mother?

Yeh, you're better off not knowing... ;-)

Sunday, May 9

Life clicks along...

The delay... well, I offer no excuse, 'cause a lack of blogging is inexcusable. I've been overtaken by events.

An update:

1. Jane moved in.

2. The baby was born (two weeks ago), weighing in at over ten pounds.

3. I said Jane and I weren't going to have sex, but we've only not had sex according to a former president's definition of sex... twice in the last couple of days, the late night has found me suckling on Jane's huge breasts, drinking in her milk, stealing it from our son. In a moment of passion, I kissed Jane, mouth full of her milk, so that she could taste the sweet nectar. My hands on her wet sex, playing with her clit, bringing her to an orgasam. Later, I jerked off in her face, my cum splaying across her cheeks.

Yeh, sure, we're not having sex.