Thursday, June 2

February 13th, 2006

Jane has a habit of doodling notes on papers and then leaving them adrift throughout the house. The other night I came across a 3x5 card with my name spelled out some dozen times, some doodling, some guy's name, and the date February 13, 2006.

Simon: "Hey, Jane, what's the 13th of February 2006?"

Jane: "The day before Valentine's Day."

Simon: "Right. Why'd you write it on this card."

Jane: "No reason."

A beat. Jane starts to laugh. The laugh gets pretty deep.

Jane: "I remember now."

Simon: "Okay. Are you going to share with me?"

Jane, reaching for her daily BC pill: "It's the day your next child is born."

Simon: "You're pregnant?"

Jane: "I don't know."

Simon: "If you're pregnant you shouldn't be taking those pills... And just when were you going to tell me."

Jane: "Well, I'll know for sure in four days."

So, if Jane thinks she might be pregnant, I guess we have been having at least some sex.

And then, last night, as I'm drifting off to sleep, Jane says, "I think we should start seeing other people."

"What!?" I think. "Where the hell did that come from?"

So, I say to her, "I think that's the stupidist idea I've ever heard." And then I face off to sleep.

Today at work, the grinding of the factory floor making my desk shake, I think to myself that beyond that being the stupidist idea I've ever heard, she'd never actually allow it, Little Ms. Double Standards and I don't even want you looking at another woman.

Meanwhile, I'm here... waiting for the day before Valentine's Day.


Anonymous said...

I think you're either actively working towards success or not. Do you want things to work? Is your heart in it? If so, then really BE there, really FOCUS on your marriage. Work it like a fulltime job until it's what you want.

Remember that you actually have the power to make things better or not. You both have to see past the depression if you want things to work. Just my two cents.

Anonymous said...

It's always amazing how being outside of a situation looking in gives people such wonderful perspective on how the situation should be fixed.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the both of you,


Just Me said...

Yeah, be active...actively mail the wet nuts... :-)

Simon Winky said...

I ate the f*cking nuts, okay?