Monday, October 24

Lilly and Melinda

Originally uploaded by weetahbug.
Well, the plot thickens. I'm not even sure where to start.

Halloween Party this past weekend. Wicker came dressed as a woman, wearing a dress, heels, and stockings. Had the biggest boobs I've seen in a long time. Damn, he was ugly. Melinda came dressed as a construction worker.

Today, Monday, Jane is in Connecticut with her sister, Dee. Dee's the sister with three kids. And, it's the three kids that have driven them to NNadiaew England. Seems Dee's former husband made an emergency petition to the courts to get full and sole custody of their three children. This asshole is in the Navy & dumped Dee for a recruit; hell, she wasn't even a recruit; she was a prospect. He was serving as a recruiter and decided to bed down one of his prospects. But that's not what frosts my ass the most. What frosts my ass the most is that for months he makes no attempt to see the kids and calls infrequently, and now he's decided he wants the whole ball of wax. So, Dee flew in on Saturday; Jane left the party -- Hello? It was her party! -- and went to the airport to get Dee. I would'a gone, but Jane is afraid I'd boink Dee. Yesterday they headed north for the twelve or fourteen hour or whatever drive to Connecticut. Jane wanted to go and support her sister, so I'm funding the trip to the tune of $500 or so.

No, I have no feelings about that. Not at all.

So, Lilly shows up late for the party. Dressed as a cat. Now there's a pussy I could pet. She brought Nadia, Nadiathe Russian, with her. Nadia didn't have a costume; with her, er, well, she didn't need one. I was on the back porch getting a beer and Nadia came out. I told her she still needed tutoring; er, and I was just the person to help her. (A couple weeks ago, I picked up Lilly at Dillards to give her a ride home, and Nadia was there; it was raining and they asked if I could drive Nadia home, too. Of course. So, on the drive over to her place, we get talking about aduNadialt toys and sex in general and it seems that Nadia has been fairly straight-laced. She needs someone to stoke her wild side. While Lilly has never been taken on a proper date to a fancy restaurant -- she's way to easy -- Nadia hasn't been written like a horse; she's way vanilla. Anyway, it came out that Nadia has no toys & has never used them.) So, I'm willing to help out. And then she tells me, "Simon, I'm moving to Miami." The former boyfriend, think I, and she confirms it. Damn the luck.

So, after the party Lilly and MNadiaelinda and Wicker and Dee and Nadia stumble off to Lilly's pad. I can only imagine what might have happened and what Lilly would have wanted to happen. She's been trying to get into Nadia's pants for months. Melinda took less than a week. Nadia, well, it ain't ever going to happen. Dee ended up coming back here to our place, so I'm pretty certain that Lilly and Melinda and Wicker got nekkid and did the wild thing.

Last night I'm talking with Jesse, our neighbor, and she tells me she thinks Lilly is a little confused. I'm thinking, "No way. Lilly's not confused. She's just horny."

As to my non-voyeuristic sex life, it's spuradic. We had a good session Saturday morning; and then Ralph burst into the room with the phone for me. Jane and I were intwined; thank goodness we'd finished and were still under the quilts.

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