Saturday, November 26

Discovered a new toy

A fist full of pics mosaic
Originally uploaded by blue4u2day.
Saturday night. Miller is asleep on the couch. Jane is KJ'ing at Osaka's. And I'm f*cking around on the computer, wasting time, while The Golden Child plays in the background. And I discovered a cool new tool for flickr from flagrant disregard. Now I can build my own mosaics. Cool, eh?

This morning I was up at 9 with Miller. I'd told Jane I'd let her sleep in, so Miller and I went downstairs for pancakes. He loves pancakes. Then, when Jane got up we spent a couple of hours straightening up; eagads, the house is still a wreck.

I never got dressed today. After cleaning and eating lunch we went up for a "nap." Right. SEX, folks, SEX.

Jane's been looking to get laid for a couple of days. My libido seems to be off; I think it's the Zolft. So, I can be depressed and horny or content and lack-all-desire.

We were able to get my desire raised this afternoon, however. By the time I got on top of Jane and slid into her, she was so very, very wet. Nice, very nice.

I slept well for the rest of the afternoon.

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