Wednesday, December 14

Wednesday: Late for work and maybe I have an excuse

Okay, I'm still on the nurses thing. ;-)

This pic is from the Saugeen Stripper... seems some college students up in Ontario had a little party...
Raunchy photographs of a naked female student performing a striptease and a lewd lap dance during a birthday party in a Saugeen Hall residence were merely a product of freshman experimentation, a University of Western Ontario official said Tuesday.

And while UWO says it has no business in a student’s bedroom, the world can see what happened at Western behind closed doors.

The photographs shot in October were recently posted on the Internet on a website called Saugeen Stripper. As of yesterday, the site has had 14,000 visitors.

“Of course we’re disappointed with this whole situation,’’ said Susan Grindrod, Western’s vice president of housing.
Hell, I have to admit, I'm not disappointed. Check out the pics. College wasn't quite like this in my time.

Now, moving on to my own life.

This morning Jane came home at 3am from her KJ job at Osaka's. She was wound up. We talked for an hour and then she started getting foul mouthed, talking about how she wants to "date" some of the guys at Osaka's and she wants to get kinky and she was all wet.

Turns out she was all wet.

I slide over to her and we started touching and making out. I was holding her hair back and able to move her head like a puppet. Pretty soon she was desparate and she slid on top of me and then put my pecker it its wet, little home. She was riding me as I was pulling her head back so she was looking at the headboard, and I was biting at her ample nipples. Then I slid out.

She wanted me back in, but I told her she couldn't use her hands. Seconds later, she'd maneuvered herself to capture my cock and it slid back into her moistness.

I could feel it building up; hell, it has been ages... or so it seems. We'd done some caluculating and determined that if I made a deposit, there was a good chance Miller would have a younger sibling, and Lord knows I'm not sure I want that. So, like a good Catholic practicing the Pope's version of appropriate (or inappropriate, as the case may be) birth control, I pulled at an instance before spurting all over her legs, my stomach, and the previously clean sheets and comforter.

I woke up nearly three hours after the 5am alarm went off. Ouch.

Did I mention the wedding between two gay men that is being held at Osaka's and Jane is giving one of the grooms away (and Lilly is giving the other away)? Well, that will be for another post. And, no, I'm not making this up. A gay couple who spend way too much free time at Osaka's is getting married (one of the KJ's is going to do the ceremony... I'm not sure it's more than just a symbolic thing; I don't think it will be a legally-binding ceremony, at least here in the south) at Osaka's and Jane & her sister are giving the grooms away. Oh, and they want Miller to be the ring boy.

More to follow.

1 comment:

J said...

I didn't say that I wanted to "date" other people...I said that other people wanted to know if I could date...and I asked...:) I only need you, Mr. W