Saturday, February 21

Have my recent postings sucked?

Jane claims the Sausage Factory is a bore now. She says my recent postings have become boring, uninspiring. Whereas before I wrote interesting commentary on life, now all I write about is sex and strip clubs.

So, gentle reader, here is the question: is Jane right? Has the Sausage Factory lost it's edge? Have I become nothing more than another sex blogger, no where near as interesting as Belle, or Pagan, or the Dirty Whore, or the Newlywed, or the Housewife? Am I just a wanna be sex blogger and not a professional?

Jane thought I should write about our trip to the hospital today to take a tour of the birthing center & our discussion afterward about baby names, with Ralph and Drew weighing in vehemently on their choices & making false claims that in Drew's case his mother didn't have a say in his name.

Or maybe I should write about my dreams for the future? or my latest poem? or the dinner I cooked... or didn't cook?

Or would I be more likely to write about our quickee while the boys were downstairs playing PlayStation. She was napping, and I laid down beside her and started to play with her nipples. Soon I had her shirt pulled up and her big breasts out of the confining bra, and I was sucking on the breasts, drawing into my wet mouth the big brown nipples.

So, folks, what are your thoughts? Don't lurk, comment.

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