Saturday, March 6

Boy Interruptus

Last night, Jane came over after my invitation to drop on by to scrump. She arrived, and I was passed out on the floor of my bedroom having ingested way too many carbs. My body was rebelling and I couldn't keep my eyes open. Ralph and Drew were in the living room downstairs playing their PlayStation. Jane rousted me by poking at me, and I went dragged my weary body to an upright position. As I was leaving the room to go about my fatherly duties and put my sons to bed, Jane said "I read your blog."

"Shit," I thought. "I'm gonna catch it for Tar Beach." I stumbled downstairs and convinced my sons to climb into bed. I spent a few minutes with them and then went back up to my bedroom.

When I went back up to the bedroom and Jane was in bed, waiting for me. "Have you seen your comments?" she asked.

I hadn't, and she told me about Joanna's comments to my posting Peep Shows and my imagination. I had a fit of laughter as Jane told me about the accusation: Dude --- they're barely pubescent, these girls. At least wait to slobber until they're LEGAL, wouldjaplease? Both Jane and I nearly bit off our tongues laughing so hard; I do like my women young and these young lasses are at least 18; yes, too young for me (but not my mind). At the age of 42, my basement ought to be 35 or maybe 30, but even Jane is years younger than that. I like women, not girls. But we got a great kick out of Joanna & her hammer down on me.

The laughter put me in an "off" mood. Jane and I were in bed, and she wanted to scrump. I wanted more fun, and began to bite at Jane's breasts and nipples through the clothe of her nightgown. I was playing "dog" and biting and pulling like a dog would play with a toy. I was even growling. Jane was laughing, but it started to hurt and she yelped. More than once. Loudly.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door and a loud voice: "Dad, get of of Ms. Jane." It was Ralph, deciding that I was probably torturing Jane. Earlier in the evening, Ralph and I had been rough housing; we have this came were we tickle each other and wrestle. A little father/son rambunctious time. Sometimes, he'll get Jane to intervene to save him.

Busted, I thought. I got out of bed to go to the door, and there was Ralph, wrapped in a blanket. "Get off her, Dad."

"It's okay, honey," said Jane from the confines of the candle-lit bedroom. "Your dad's just tickling me."

"Okay," he said. "Be nice to her," and he went back downstairs in the dark.

My thanks to Joanna for starting out the evening... and Ralph for ending it...

Well, not exactly... there was a bit more, albeit a bit quieter... ;-) We both got ours together, a quaking at one time...

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