Wednesday, August 25

Another day in paradise

I sometimes feel like the Jeff Goldblum character in The Big Chill. Perhaps you remember: he's sitting around this big ol' southern plantation house with friends of his from college; they're all getting laid... and he ain't seeing any action at all. Not that the folks I'm hanging out with this week are getting any and I'm not. But, often, this is the case.

I spent the better part of the late afternoon and evening yesterday revamping the appearance of the Sausage Factory. I hope that the result is okay with you, my loyal reader. I also re-worked a couple of vanilla blogs of mine; this blog is the more complicated with more "stuff" attached. Guess this just means that my freaky closeted life is more complicated, eh?

I wanted to take advantage of the notice on Blogger's front page that Google's AdSense is now available to the little guy like you and me. So, the other night I applied, without having read the small print. Wouldn't you know it: Alas, the sites with Google AdSense ads may not have any pornography, adult, or mature content. Said the nice folks at AdSense,

Thank you for your interest in Google AdSense.

After reviewing your application, our program specialists have found that the website currently associated with your account does not comply with our policies. Therefore, we're unable to accept you into Google AdSense at this time.

We did not approve your application for the reasons listed below. If you are able to resolve these issues, please feel free to reply to this email for reconsideration when you have made the changes.

- Inappropriate language
- Adult content

Sure, I'll be able to go back and make this blog family friendly. I'll remove every reference to fucking Jane's brains out and watching the orgy at North Carolina Life or getting a blow job on the roof of the library.

I think not.

Guess I will not be able to make a few bucks here at the Sausage Factory.

Anyone have any ideas for a money making scheme for sex blogs?

In the mean time, guess I'll try and make cents from my vanilla blogs... ;-)

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