Tuesday, November 30

I want some. I want some!

On the road. At a Courtyard, hooked online with a new ethernet card. Surfing for free thanks to Marriott. And avoiding work. I have a report to crank out for a customer, but I just can't get my shit in one sack. In part cause I've got sex on my mind. Jane called earlier and wanted to have phone sex, but I wasn't interested. I should'a; perhaps it would'a put my mind at ease.

I like phone sex, when I'm in the mood. I guess that's the same with any sex. In bed, the phone cradled up to my ear, my hand on my cock, her voice in my ear, the heavy breathing. Sort'a like this masturbation video. La petite morte. The little death. Damn straight. Give me some of that little death, eyes rolled back in my had, my spine twisted, my face contorted.

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