Tuesday, November 30

Married life... falling into a rut...

Married less than six weeks, and we've fallen into a rut. Okay. Okay. So, we've been shacked up for a while, making it more than a six weeks... hell, more than six months...

We get back last night from visiting my folks for Thanksgiving. Miller isn't feeling so good, but he doesn't want to go to sleep. So, Jane puts Nemo into the player and Miller stands in his crib, dancing, while watching that damn movie. I'm scheduled to head of town for the week, so I'm a little itchy for some action... and we fall asleep intwined together. No sex.

It's the usual, you know. Married people don't get it on. If I'd wanted to keep getting laid, I should never have gotten married.

But married life is good, even without the sex. Jane says her sex drive has gone into the toilet 'cause of the meds. Her depression, you know. Frankly, I'd rather have her not depressed, even if it means I'm not gonna get any. When she's not on her meds, oh, the situation is bad. Real bad. So, Jane's blaming her lack of sex drive on the Zoloft.

And I can relate. I was depressed, and my doc gave me Zoloft, too. Worked like a charm, except it sent my sex drive into the toilet, too. Part of me figured it was age, you know, since I'm so aged and decrepit. Then, maybe six or eight weeks ago, the doc also put me on Strattera. I noticed I was having a difficulty focusing; actually, I think I finally noticed it 'cause I wasn't so blue. After a week or so, my sex drive came back.

Jane thinks maybe she ought to get some, too.

Let's see... we've had sex maybe once or twice the last week. Once while up vising my folks. The baby was asleep. We snuggled together in the darkness, our hands tracing on each other's bodies, following the curves, flesh to flesh. I got hard; my fingers probed her wetness, and she whispered, throatily, she wanted me to climb on top of her. "Fuck me," she said. "Fuck my wet pussy."

I climbed on top of her, my cock driving into her wet cunt. Her pussy feels so good, always. The wetness. The friction. Her leges were splayed wide apart as I drove into her, back and forth. Our mouths met in a wet kiss.

When I came, it felt like I was turning inside out.

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