Thursday, December 30

Jane wants a religious job

Jane and I were talking the other day, and she shared with me that she'd like to get a job in a church, doing something. Okay, thought I. I can buy that. Tonight, she tells me that perhaps this wouldn't be a good idea as she'd always feel guilty: unwilling to give up the freaky side of her and doesn't think that would jive with the religious community. Oh, I don't know. It looks like it might here. I can imagine this is what Jane had in mind.

Okay, probably not. Maybe more like this one. No, truth be told, she's into mild spanking and a little nipple torture, but not much else. This would be way too much for her.

Okay. You got me. I was just looking for a way to get the fetish pictures in here. However, Jane was talking earlier this week about working in a religious community, so I don't think I'm all that far off base here.

Things around the house are quiet. Drew is off with friends at a church gathering; Ralph is at a sleep-over; Miller is alsleep (having fallen off the bed a couple of minutes ago); Jane is asleep with Miller next to her. Would be the ideal time for a romp, with the older boys away and all. Perhaps I should wake her up; a quick slap on her ass would likely do the trick. Alas, alas, there ain't been much sex lately, and I suspect there will not be any tonight.

We did have a nice little fuck the other night; I'd like to tell you all about it, but, actually, I don't really remember. It was one of those 2am screws that in the morning was but a distant memory: I know it was nice, but I don't remember the specifics.

I'm thinking this young lady could use a little. I know. I know. There I go again with the gratuitious linking. Sorry.

Hmmm. I wonder if Jane would like to be caged up like that?

Aside from the guilt thing, we were also talking tonight about swinging. Jane's said she doesn't want to go to NCL for the sex, just the voyeurism. Well, that's okay, but... Then in my email, I got an invitation from a couple; okay, it wasn't just me, but it was in my inbox. Hmm, I'd do more than voyeur her. Yes, I would.

Anyway, so I said, why don't we have a party here. And she hemmed and hawed a bit. And I said, okay, who would you invite? I got two couples out of her: Sam & Anne and Paul & Joanne.

And I thought, well, sure, I'd mess around with Anne and Joanne. And then she said, "Well, you guys would be watching on the couch, 'cause I only want to sleep with women."

Hmmm... Well, okay. Maybe we can stand around and every once in a while one of the women will come up from air and suck one of us off.

And maybe I'll just have to add Goofy and Butterfly to the party list.

Well, enough for now, dear reader. Off to see if I can roust Jane for a little quickie.

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