Tuesday, January 18


This isn't sex, but I feel compelled to blog about this, and if I blog on my vanilla blog, the people I'm writing about will see it... and I'm not yet ready to have that crucial conversation...

Tonight, I'm out to dinner with two colleagues. The bill comes to $64 and some change for the three of us... My portion is 12.99 for dinner and 2.00 for a pop. That's $15; add in tax (maybe a buck and a half) and that comes to $16.50; I toss in a $20. My colleagues raise their eye brows. "He was good; that's my tip," I say. A touch over 20%;nothing.

One of my colleagues decides to put the whole thing on her credit card and pocket the cash my other colleague and I have tossed in. She puts a $10 tip on the card.

I'm thinking to myself: "You cheapskate. I tossed in money for the waiter, not you."

I don't expect her to tip at 20%; but I don't expect I'll be buying her coffee in the morning...

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