Monday, January 17

Some people just don't get it

A comment on a post below leads me to believe some people just don't get it. They wrote
why do you feel you have to smut up this blog program? Are you that inadequate of a person that you feel the need to spread your nasty self on what may be the last free forum of this sort? what the hell is wrong with the likes of [can't think of a clean phrase for the like s of you] all in is, you and your kind need to stay where you belong. not here. go away,,you are a piece of shit that needs to go into the mountains and be lost for the rest of your miserable life. do not bother to contact this address,, i will not waste one more line of this program for your skankiness. hell is the right place for you. go awawy
Anonymous | 01.12.05 - 2:10 pm
Aside from the fact they can't seem to write with proper grammar, I get the feeling they don't understand the point of a sex blog or understand the First Ammendment -- you know the one; the one that talks about not "abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." I'm thinking this poor person just doesn't get it. But you know, that's alright, 'cause it takes all kinds to make the world go 'round: poets, philosophers, and plumbers... and, in this person's case, idiots.

My thanks to Carrie for taking a stand on the comment board.

So, even with the likes of Anonymous posting comments, I encourage feedback. And, if you'd like to discuss the finer points of sex blogging or the freedom of speech, we can trade emails... or, if you're big enough, we can talk over a beer.

Something tells me that Anonymous wouldn't want to show his or her face in some neighborhood bar.

I wonder if they're one of those closet freaks who's all worried about people finding out they actually have thoughts about sex.

Ah, that's for another post. Read on, my friends, read on.

Peace to you all.

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