Friday, April 22

You'd be amazed at what you can find on the web

I Googled myself, and came upon a post that set me laughing. Deep belly laughs as Jane and Miller and Dee and her three kids minivan up the East Coast headed for home here in Raleigh. The blog is Excess, and Dinkydog (my word, I do hope that's not her given name) wrote:
Amazing news of the day: I think I talked the honey into cruising out to the Club for an afternoon of billiards at some elusive time in the future. How did this come about after his prior adamant refusals, you might ask. Well, glad you did. I was doing my general fucking around on-line yesterday evening, right after updating "ze blog". Now, my general fucking around usually encompasses checking a few other "daily read" blogs for updates, logging into Alt to see what new loser didn't bother reading my profile before sending me a message, and occasionally hitting the "next blog" button at the top of this page. Yesterday's russian roulette of "nexting" brought me to the following blogs...Northern European Sausage Factory, and that of his wife, Jane Says.

Now, just as an aside, Simon Winky sounds like my kinda guy and separately, his wife sounds cool, whiny, but cool. Together, they sound like a match made in one of the lower circles of hell. Not my place to judge at all (and I'm not), but I don't see this one hitting silver anniversaries.

So anyway, Simon mentions a swingers club in his sidebar...
I'm attempting to get my ass out of the academic fire & I'm still at work burning through company paper and toner as I print out reams of journal articles for this damn research class, and, for shits-and-grins, I Googled myself, and when I came to the I don't see this one hitting silver anniversaries my funny bone was somehow struck and burst out laughing. The cleaning woman, Silvia, was across the way and glanced over at me as she emptied a waste basket into her cart; I think she thinks I'm stoned, and I don't just mean right now.

Well, Dinkydog, write me, and I'll tell you all about the Club.

Meanwhile, Jane is some four hours away and just text messaged me. Then I would come home for a little bit of SEX and a nice B.J. Hmm. Guess she'll be primed tonight.


Dinkydog said...

shizznit, guess I royally screwed the pooch that time, didn't I? In case you didn't recieve my apologetic email(s), I am truly penitent if I caused any discomfort or distress by what I said.

Simon Winky said...

You may be penitent... perhaps... perhaps we ought to see you bent over, receiving a spanking for your sins... perhaps lightly bound to one of them there "LIBERATORS"... I do think, dear Dinkydog, that would be appropriate... perhaps we'll just have to get together so I can deliver said punishment personally.


J said...

or maybe not....:) least, not if I don't get to play!

Dinkydog said...

I'm relieved, now I can apologize in person (sort of). I'm utterly embarrassed and ashamed of my error, please accept my most heartfelt apologies. And, of course, if the opportunity ever presents itself, you and Simon are both welcome to wallop my ass.

J said...


I accept your apology. I do hope that I'm not boring. I do feel that sometimes I do a bunch of bitching and that's about it. That's what journals are for, right? Otherwise, I'd take it out on everyone. I digress. I didn't take offense.

Dinkydog said...

Real is never boring, and you are definitely real. I spend a lot of time bitching myself, since the computer can't bitch back at me. It helps me get it all organized and dealt with, without anyone else having to suffer the consequences (most of the time). Thanks for the acceptance, I was worried that I might have hurt your feelings by it,