Friday, May 6

Google, Google, Google

Did you know that if you go to Google and type link: followed by a URL, you can see who has linked to that particular URL?

I just learned this little tidbit.

So I did it for the Sausage Factory. And, I discovered that at a filter site, I'm listed as "Conservative Porn." Here's what they say:
There exists a emerging preponderance of so called “conservative porn” which is not really porn but is somewhat “titilalting”,,,this often involves pictures of women being spanked often by their husbands as a form of “Domestic Discipline”. Advice on how to show your sexual partner “the ropes” and dubious dating advice as well as self confessed descriptions of "urban sluts” on the make. Much of this is text and graphics. It can not be described in any real way as pornography and hence we do not include it in our filtering process.

However, not everyone agrees with this position. So we are compiling a list that is a “double edged “sword. This his a list of sites which can be used as a jump of point to and seemingly endless series of these blogs and sites or you can download them and place them in any modern contemporary filter.
Hmmm... I'm thinking this is a great list to start surfing from!

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