Tuesday, October 11

Caught at Clutch

September 10,2005
Originally uploaded by Caught@Clutch.
I think there's something in life I'm missing out on... Er, excuse me, can I get a piece of this?

For those of you who are wondering about my real life, suffice it to say that the ebbs and flows of life continue on. I went to the doc yesterday for a med check and convinced him to up my Zoloft 'script: need to get rid of the blue haze that has been creeping back into my space.

Jane has taken a job at Osaka's as a Kareoke Jock (KJ?) hooking people up for their time under the spotlight. She's got Friday nights -- a hopping night -- and whenever else they call her. I haven't had a chance to see her in action, yet, as they don't allow kids and I seem to always have the Miller watch when she heads to work.

The last week or so has found us bumping uglies a bit. The other night we went out for a date -- Lilly watched Miller -- but we only got the meal and entertainment part (dinner at Sonic... I know, not the most romantic, but, hey, it was just us... and then Serenity, the movie... which I recommend); when we got home there was Miller, so the sex part didn't exactly happen. So it was really just 2/3 of a date.

The night before, Jane had gone to Osaka's to party. She went with Lilly and Melinda; there's a story there that I'll post later... Oh yes, there's a story there... ;-)

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